In addition to providing Legislative and Regulatory Advocacy services, Murdoch, Walrath & Holmes, Sacramento’s leading association management firm, has formed MWH Management Services (MWHMS) to expand its meeting and association management services.
Under the leadership of Greg Golik, Operations Director (MWHMS), we work together to continue to deliver high-quality, cost-effective meetings. In particular, we can provide particular services such as:
• Site Selection
• Contract Negotiations
• Event and Trade Show Management
• And more...
Perhaps you need a more comprehensive spectrum of services related to the meetings and association management industry? We also provide:
Administrative Services
- Full-time receptionist services with dedicated phone lines.
- Professional clerical support services.
- State of the art technology and office equipment.
Financial Management
- Accounts payable, accounts receivable and general ledger.
- Preparation of monthly financial statements.
Membership Services
- Develop, implement and manage recruitment and retention programs.
- Maintain membership databases.
- Prepare and disseminate new member kits.
- Invoice management for member dues.
Communications and Publications
- Email blasts and website updating.
- Design, layout and production of newsletters, directories, guidebooks, flyers and other promotional materials.
- Advertising sales and management.
- Manage and coordinate printing and distribution of publications.
Meetings, Conferences and Trade Show Management
- Plan and execute meetings of all sizes including board meetings, committee meetings, workshops, educational workshops, annual conferences and trade shows.
- Trade show/sponsorship sales and marketing.
- On-site meeting support and management including trade show management.
- Agenda compilation and distribution, board packets, name badges, handouts, sponsorship items and other meeting materials.
- Recording and transcribing meeting minutes.
- Manage administration of specialized certificate programs.
Click here for a list of our association clients.