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June 12, 2006


Budget Update

On Saturday afternoon the Budget Conference Committee met and completed the Conference Report for the 2006-07 State Budget. Because the vote was along a party line – all Democrats voting YES and all Republicans voting NO – there is a possibility that the Conference Report will not have sufficient votes to pass either House. The Conference Report will go to the floors of each House and must pass with a two-thirds vote of each House.

If the Republicans are unwilling to vote for this Conference Report, then the expected outcome will be that the Big 4, or with the Governor the Big 5, will meet to work out the details. It also is possible that the Governor will signal the Republicans that he is willing to veto enough items to meet the Republican’s fiscal and policy demands. Whichever result, there will be a vote on the Budget by the June 15th Constitutional deadline.

Although specific language has not been developed for all of the actions, for K-12 Education the major provisions are:


On-Going Proposition 98

$300 million Revenue Limit Equalization (Unclear if counties are included)
$300 million New Economic Impact Aid Formula (Trailer Bill Language to revise formula to use Title I as poverty indicator; distribute funding based on EL pupil and Title I pupil counts; hold districts harmless from formula change; set equalization target at $600 per eligible student; and revise existing concentration grant.)
$75 million New Arts and Music Block Grant
$75 million Special Education Equalization
$75 million Counselors in Grades 9-12, language targeting funds to students at risk of not passing CAHSEE
$88 million

CAHSEE Package

($30 million for early intervention at middle school level)

($50.5 million for supplemental intervention at $500 per student with first priority to 12th graders)

($7.7 million for additional test administrations)

$25 million EL Teacher Professional Development
$37.8 million School Meal Reimbursement Rate
$18 million

Teacher Credentialing Reforms

$50 million Teacher Recruitment

One-Time Proposition 98 Funds

$954 million Prior Year Mandate Reimbursement
$1,150 million Discretionary Block Grant (Districts = 25%; School Site = 75%. Distributed per 06-07 enrollment including adult education and ROC/P. School site uses include, but are not limited to, instructional materials; classroom and lab supplies; arts and music supplies; P.E. equipment; school and classroom library materials; education technology; deferred maintenance; professional development; and efforts to close the achievement gap.  District uses shall be limited to listed school site uses (as referenced above) plus fiscal solvency and home-to-school transportation.
$100 million Instructional Materials, Library Materials, Educational Technology Block Grant allocated per ADA
$35 million Career Technical Education Equipment
$20 million EL Research on Best Practices
$15 million Parental Involvement
$15 million School Gardens

We will provide an update on language as soon as it is available.

Do not take this to the bank. This is not a done deal.

~Dave Walrath

    Murdoch, Walrath & Holmes, 1130 K Street, Suite 210, Sacramento, CA 95814
    Voice: 916.441.3300, Fax: 916.441.3893, Email:
      © 2006 Murdoch, Walrath & Holmes