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December 16, 2008

Republican Caucus Propose $10.6 Billion K-14 Education Hit


In keeping with their pledge to balance the state budget with no new taxes, the legislative Republican Caucuses proposed $15.6 billion in program cuts and $6.5 billion in new revenues ($6 billion require voter approval) that do not count toward the Proposition 98 minimum guarantee under current statute; but that could be in violation of the voter approved language in Proposition 98. Rather than agree to increase the sales tax on a $100 meal by $1 dollar, the caucuses proposed to cut school funding by almost $1,500 per full-time student in Kindergarten through community colleges. This cut would be equal to $45,000 per classroom for a 30-student classroom.

In addition to the fiscal provisions, the proposal includes the proposals made last week regarding changes in labor laws and other statutes the Republican caucuses want as part of the final legislative package.  

The Republican response to Governor Schwarzenegger’s proposals and the Legislative Democrat’s proposals sets the negotiating parameters for the Legislature in discussing the legislation needed to address the current economic budget situation facing California.

The link to the full proposal is

~Dave Walrath




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